Khanal et. al., (2021). Statistical Modeling to Predict Climate Change Effects on Watershed Scale Evapotranspiration, Atmosphere, [PDF 4 MB]
Dhungel, S. (2019). Predicting watershed-scale agricultural water consumption using statistical and cropping systems models with satellite-based remote sensing, PhD Thesis, 197 pp., University of Utah, . [PDF 18.3 MB]
Dhungel, S., Barber, M.E.., Mahler, R.L., (2019) Comparison of one- and two- dimensional flood modeling in urban environments, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, [PDF 3.2 MB]
Dhungel, S., Barber, M. E., (2018), Estimating Calibration Variability in Evapotranspiration Derived from a Satellite-Based Energy Balance Model, [PDF 6.07 MB]
Dhungel, S., D. G. Tarboton, J. Jin and C. P. Hawkins, (2016), "Potential Effects of Climate Change on Ecologically Relevant Streamflow Regimes," River Research and Applications, [PDF 1.6 MB]
Dhungel S. (2014). Prediction of climate change effects on streamflow regime important to stream ecology, MS Thesis,124 pp., Utah State University, Logan, [PDF 5.6 MB].
Tarboton, D., S. Dhungel, C. P. Hawkins, J. J. V. Laan, R. A. Hill and J. Jin, (2013), "Response of stream ecosystems to climate change (III): Characterizing and predicting ecologically relevant flow regimes," Ecological Society of America 98th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, August 5, [PPT 3.0 MB]
Dhungel, S., Tarboton, D.G., Hawkins, C.P. and Jin, J. (2013) "Potential changes in ecologically relevant streamflow regimes in the USA in response to projected climate change", Society for Freshwater Science 61st Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, May 21, [PPT 3.2 MB]
Dhungel, S. (2012) "An examination of trends and patterns of ecologically important streamflow variables in association with climate change predictions", Spring Runoff Conference at Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA, April 3, [PPT 3.2 MB]
Dhungel S., Barber, M.E. and Haller, D. (2016) "Pilot Application of METRIC Crop Demand Modeling", Columbia River Basin 2016 Water Supply and Demand Forecast, Prosser, Washington, June 21-23, 2016, [PPT 5.75 MB]
Conference Posters
Dhungel S., Tarboton D.G., Hawkins, C.P. and Jin, J. (2012) "An examination of the trends and patterns of ecologically important streamflow in association with climate change projections", American Geological Union Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, California, USA, December 3-7, [PDF 1.62 MB]
Dhungel S., Barber, M.E. (2016) "Use of Satellite-based Remote Sensing to inform Evapotranspiration parameters in Cropping System Model", American Geological Union Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, California, USA, December 12-16, [PDF 1.89 MB]
Dhungel S., Barber, M. E. (2017) "Statistical Modeling of watershed-scale Evapotranspiration", 2017 Environment and Sustainability Research Symposium, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, February 8, 2017, [PDF 1.49 MB]
Dhungel S., Barber, M.E. (2017) "Use of Satellite-Based Remote Sensing to inform Evapotranspiration parameters in Cropping System Models" , 2017 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, June 13-15, 2017. [PDF 1.42 MB]