
Microsoft Excel functions & Spreadsheets

This section includes various Excel spreadsheets and Excel VBA functions I have made which might be useful.

1. Surveying data analysis spreadsheets with use of excel VBA [Download files] - These spreadsheets were created to facilitate table work after a land surveying using analog theodolites and level machines. A pdf of help manual is also included. (Built in 2010)

2. LinInterp => Basic linear interpolation function [Download Excel file] [Download Excel VBA code] - A function to linearly interpolate 'y' given 'x' ; Given a list of (x,y). Different from FORECAST in excel in that LinInterp interpolates between two points in the array and does not consider the entire array for interpolation.


=LinInterp(X, Known X's, Known Y's)


3. Indexing using Aggregate:

Link to the Excel File

Link to how this excel file works